Travelogue 03: 'goodbye yellow brick road 02.02.02'

Part three of tonight's triumvirate - it reads as though I found my feet somewhat on this bit of the trip. The email home is certainly longer, though as I recall I had plenty of time to waste in internet cafes before starting work in Adelaide. 

I have fond memories of Malaysia and this post doesn't do it justice. The people were grand, the scenery lush and the beaches very welcome indeed. The food was just fine, although I rounded off this bit of the trip with a 5am curry once I'd taken the bus back through Malaysia to Singapore.
...if Rick should ever read this, I hope that your camera did indeed recover fully. ??I never meant to fall down that waterfall, let alone do it twice.


- I shouldn't have gone through this gap.
- Because I then slid over these rocks (I think it was these ones).
- Which might, just might, be the rocks at the top of this waterfall (which I neglected to freefall down).

goodbye yellow brick road by davidjarman


Travelogue 04: 'men at work 17.02.02'


Travelogue 02: 'singapore sling when you're winning 21.01.02'