DREaM workshop three. (Part four of five events.)
Part four of the DREaM events took place at Edinburgh Napier's Craighouse campus, on the same format as the previous two workshops. These three workshops have seen the cohort introduced to a wide range of research methods, suitable for an array of...
DREaM workshop two. (Part three of five events.)
Part three of the DREaM sequence took place in the British Library???s conference facilities on Monday 30 January ??? full details are here, presentation videos are here (for community members). This was the half way mark in a series of events that I???...
DREaM workshop one. (Part two of five events.)
I???m getting used to the idea that piecing together a PhD is likely to involve periods of thinking about all sections at once. Reading some expansive texts one day, which provide a theoretical context for ones ideas, is then followed by a day???s dis...