Breda revisiting
A year ago I wrote about the trip I took to Breda in the Netherlands as part of a project to bring some of their students across to Edinburgh for a research project. Now it???s 2012 and the project has just seen its third iteration with another two ...
Breda on screen.
Following up some recent posts on the Breda project, just a couple of notes on the next stage of the work. A fortnight ago I watched the students' presentations from the Netherlands, while I sat in my flat in EH11. Breda live stream all their lect...
Lessons from Holland.
When I was out in Breda I did my best to use 'the Netherlands' when talking about the country I was in. Holland is part of the Netherlands, not all of it, yet the man on the Clapham omnibus tends to use the words interchangeably. I asked for a loc...
Breda, day 3: collaborations and communities
Day three of three and perhaps the most mixed of my April trip to Breda. I was pressed into service for a couple more classes: students studying International Leisure Management, a course predominantly taught in Dutch. These were smaller groups an...
Got red hair? Head to Roodharigen in Breda!
Breda clearly has the best festival in the world for anyone interested in red hair. From the simple premise that not many people in the Netherlands have red hair comes an event to celebrate the lucky few. The website is ...
Breda, day 2: theatres and theory.
Day two in Breda and a grilling from some of the 2nd year students about the different Edinburgh venues they???re researching. For the record that???s the Festival Theatre, Church Hill Theatre, Storytelling Centre and the Royal Mile (particularly the ...
Breda, day 1: hello and hospitality.
It???s only a few days since Daniel Turner posted from America about his experiences at a US college, with reflections on the disparity of resources and opportunities open to students on campuses countries. I now have the opportunity to match that a...
Current projects: Twestival and Breda.
I'm involved in two very interesting projects at the moment and this post is to introduce them both and record where we're up to just now with them.___First up is Edinburgh Twestival 2011. Every year cities around the world put together an event f...