Social network analysis and festival cities: an exploration of concepts, literature and methods: International Journal of Event and Festival Management: Vol 5, No 3

Word reached Edinburgh this week that a paper I've been working on with three Edinburgh Napier colleagues has now been published. This news is very welcome to us, and you can find further details here:

Social network analysis and festival cities: an exploration of concepts, literature and methods: International Journal of Event and Festival Management: Vol 5, No 3

The work started life as part of the literature review for my PhD. The early (and unfinished) resolution of the PhD work opened up the opportunity to make alternative use of the material. I was very fortunate to have three supervisors who were keen to continue working on these themes and we are all very happy to see the paper in print and pixels.One of those authors, Prof Hazel Hall, has also blogged about the publication. As she says: 'We conclude that although the importance of relationships sustained within networks has long been recognised within the industry, and that festival cities offer dynamic environments in which to investigate the workings of social networks, there is scant reflection of this in the event studies literature. A research method is proposed as suitable for application across a diverse range of festivals and events.'I hope to continue working on that proposed research method, with more news to come as progress is made.

The full citation is:

Jarman, D., Theodoraki, E., Hall, H., Ali-Knight, J. (2014). Social network analysis and festival cities: an exploration of concepts, literature and methods. International Journal of Event and Festival Management 5(3), 311-322.


#UmbrellaMovement: December 2014 in Hong Kong


#10wos 10: Journey's end and Edinburgh festival shows, part four (25-31 August 2014)